Kid’s Club Project

Sunday, November 20th  –   Kid’s Club will stay for lunch after church

–   followed by our SCROOGE Night.

When you hear the name Scrooge, you think of a mean, selfish old man who
wouldn’t share a thing with anyone.  But for our youth group, the name
Scrooge means something very different. It means taking the time to care for others.

SCROOGE stands for Student Christmas Rush for Oodles and Oodles of Goodies Etc.  In other words, scrooge is a food drive … and then some.

The youth group is divided into smaller teams with one adult driver for each team.  Each team gets a map of the town with their route marked so there is no overlap.  The team members go door to door, asking people to donate any food they can.  The teams are armed with handouts, which explain the event & thanks them for their donation.  The teams have one hour to collect as much food as they can from the houses in their designated area.

We need some additional drivers, donations of cookies or cupcakes for the kids’ lunch, and  someone willing to take the donations collected to the Albert County Food Bank.  Anyone interested in helping out with this event, please contact Margaret or Frank.

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